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Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth – IT is a chronic bacterial infection of the small intestine. We all have bacteria in the small intestine the problem arise when it abnormally overgrows where it should not grow and creates a vicious cycle.
This overgrowth creates a vicious cycle: The overgrow bacteria (sibo) interfere with our normal digestion and absorption of food and are associated with damage to the lining or membrane of the SI causing leaky gut.
Bacteria consumes some of our food. Over time leads to deficiencies iron and B12, causing anemia. They cause leaky gut which creates more bacterial overgrowth.
They also consume the food not able to be absorbed. After eating our food, they produce gas. The gas causes abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea or both (the symptoms of IBS).
IBS SYMPTOMS– Irritable bowel syndrome Many people with IBS they actually have SIBO, 84% tested positive.
Leaky Gut symptoms– Damage to the lining of the membrane of the small intestine.
If this associated diseases are together with digestive symptoms test for SIBO.
Breath testing is available to measure the hydrogen and methane gas produced by bacteria in the small intestine. Both hydrogen and methane are only produced by bacteria, not humans. Abnormally high levels of these gases indicate bacterial overgrowth.
Lactulose Breath Test (LBT) Humans can’t digest or absorb lactulose. Only bacteria have the proper enzymes to do this. After they consume lactulose, they make gas. If there is an overgrowth, this will be reflected in the levels of H and/or M. ( The 3 hour lactulose test is the one with the best results, un fortunately there isn’t yet a perfect test, the small intestine is a hard place to get to.Endoscopy and Colonoscopy only reaches portion of the small intestine).
The advantage to this test is that it can diagnose overgrowth in the distal end of the SI, thought to be more common. The disadvantage is that it cannot diagnose bacterial overgrowth as well as the Glucose Breath Test (GBT).
Glucose Breath Test (GBT) Both humans and bacteria absorb glucose. Glucose is absorbed within the first three feet of the SI, therefore if the bacterial gases of H and/or M are produced during this test, it reflects an overgrowth in the proximal/upper end of the SI (within the first two feet). The advantage to this test is that it successfully and accurately diagnoses proximal overgrowth. The disadvantage is that it cannot diagnose distal overgrowth, occurring in the latter 17 feet of the SI, which is thought to be more common.
The test is performed at home with a take-home kit. It takes 1-3 hours in the morning. It comes with very detailed instructions.
Hydrogen Methane Breath Test for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.
Comes with 1 test kit, results, explanation, and treatment protocol individualized for your specific type of SIBO, in a course format. Includes free 2-way-shipping within Canada.
You can buy your test online At Treat Sibo Clinic
The main goal to treat SIBO is to reduce the number of bacteria, repair the damaged gut, and prevent relapse.
Strategies for this usually include antibiotics, herbal antibiotics, and dietary modification. The damaged small intestine lining heals on its own when the bacteria population is reduced and is enhanced by diet and additional nutritional supplements.
Some keys to preventing SIBO are having good food hygiene (eating when calm, chewing well, having only 3 meals a day, no snacking in between meals, etc.), having adequate stomach acid, removing proton pump inhibitors and antacids (which reduce stomach acid and promote SIBO), and enhance the parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous system.
Schedule an appointment with your Naturopathic Physician to identify if the overgrowth of normal bacteria in your gut is the cause of your gastrointestinal distress.
SIBO Can not be starved just with a diet, it must be killed and the cause needs to be addressed in order to heal. The elemental diet is an exception, it has shown some efficacy to starve out the overgrowth bacteria, because it is a therapeutic treatment and not a long term diet.
You need to feed the SIBO in order to kill it, alive bacteria is much more sensitive to Antibiotics and easier to kill. It is important to eat lots of fermented foods during the treatment to keep the bacteria active for the antibiotics effectively take downs this bad bug.
Your treatment can not be only focus on diet, the root cause needs to be fixes. Make sure you find a SIBO DOCTOR. (Naturopath Physician).
All this diets should only be used on a short term ( Fast tract, Low FODMAP, or SCD, because they reduce the total bacteria load in the GI tract what can make you feel confortable for a period of time but not on a long term, this diets should not be used for longer then 3 month so you do not run the risk of creating new problems.
Some of the problems created by this diets when you have SIBO:
Finding the best diet for sibo treatment should be determinate case by case, you need to find what is right for you and the treatment/protocol you are following.
Diet is very important to good and bad bacteria population.
An elemental diet is a different approach to treating SIBO, it has been tested on patients with SIBO and others with Irritable Bowel Disease (particularly Crohn’s patients). …
An elemental diet replaces all food with a liquid formula made up of nutrients in their simplest form for a period of 15 days. this diet starves the bacteria, but feed the person with powdered nutrients in pre-digested, easily absorbed form. (ex: Vivonex plus, AbsorbPlus)
Absorb Plus Unsweetened – 1 kg tub
Element Diet – Absorb Plus is a delicious tasting, 100% natural, elemental (pre-digested for maximum absorption to bloodstream within 20 minutes of ingestion) liquid dietary supplement protein shake. 360 calories per serving.
Certified gluten-free (less than 20 ppm). Made with 100% natural flavors. No artificial ingredients or preservatives.
Bacteria loves carbs except insoluble fiber. Gaps diet is the most recommended for SIBO treatment in association with treatment and time to heal the leaky gut. GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet. It is recommended that you start with Gaps introduction diet. Don’t step to the full diet.
Low FODMAPS diet focuses on removing carbohydrates that are high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. This diet is used for SIBO because high FODMAP carbohydrate foods can ferment in the gut and feed a bacterial overgrowth.
“The allowed carbohydrates are monosaccharides and have a single molecule structure that allow them to be easily absorbed by the intestine wall. Complex carbohydrates which are disaccharides (double molecules) and polysaccharides (chain molecules) are not allowed. Complex carbohydrates that are not easily digested feed harmful bacteria in our intestines causing them to overgrow producing by products and inflaming the intestine wall. The diet works by starving out these bacteria and restoring the balance of bacteria in our gut.”
Sibo CookBooks – With delicious SIBO friendly recipes.
The SIBO Summer Cookbook contains over 50 recipes, perfect for the warm summer months, for people treating Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.
Based on the SIBO Diet protocol by Dr. Nirala Jacobi ND, this cookbook is the first of its kind for people with SIBO.
Here is a SIBO friendly broth recipe from Dr. Melanie Keller
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We do require 48 hours notice for appointment cancellations. This will provide us with sufficient time to contact and schedule appointments for those who are waiting. Thank you for your consideration. you will be charged a no-show fee of 100% of the scheduled value should you miss your visit without 48 notification.
#100 20330 88Av, (inside Milica SPA)
Langley, BC, V1M 2Y4, Canada
South Surrey:
#308 2630 Croydon Drive (inside West Coast Center For Regenerative Medicine)
South Surrey, BC, V3S 6T3, Canada