Entries by Sofia

Exsula Superfoods Apple Fiber

Improving your digestion will enhance your nutrient absorption and waste elimination, thereby energizing your immune system for overall increased health, vitality and healing. Purchase Exsula Apple Fiber Here. This very special high quality, pure apple fiber is naturally occurring, and extracted with minimal processing. Natural pectin is not removed, nor added back. The peel and […]

Ultimate Health Starts From Inside Your Colon

Enjoy the benefits of colon hydrotherapy. Many of our clients claim that due to colonics, they have been able to live their lives without drugs, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, and pain pills. In a society where Eastern and Western medicine combined to give us the best of both worlds, the acceptance of colon hydrotherapy has continued […]

Colonoscopy preparation using Colon Hydrotherapy (colonics)

Preparation for colonoscopy with colon hydrotherapy “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeWjxHspRKs”> (click here ) The traditional preparation for colonoscopy requires the patient to drink large quantities of harsh laxatives to clean out the colon. These laxatives come in the form of, or must be taken with, large quantities of liquid. The colon must be emptied, though, or the doctor […]

Very Gentle, Kind and Understanding

“I have found Sofia’s approach to this invasive treatment very gentle, kind and understanding. Sofia always explained everything very well. I got all the answers from Sofia I asked. This treatment did not just help me physically but also emotionally. “All is going well now and I would choose Sofia again if I need to. […]

An Excellent Colon Hydrotherapist

“Sofia is a pleasant, caring and excellent colon hydrotherapist. I have referred many patients to her over the years where she was able to resolve their ailments when colonics was indicated. I appreciate the addition she has been to my practice and will definitely recommend her to others.” Dr. Johan Ghazali ND, FABNO cancer, cardiology, […]

Excellent Treatments for Our Patients and Sound Advice

“Working with Sofia for the last five years has been a pleasure. She is fabulous at her work. I can always depend on her to do excellent treatments for our patients, and provide sound advice that improves their health. She is passionate, knowledgable and committed to continuing to learn new things. Her warm and confident […]

Colonics and Your Health

A colonic is the process of removing accumulated fecal matter, mucus and sludge from the colon by gently rinsing the colon with warm water. When these impurities cannot be eliminated from the body, the colon tries to absorb them and toxins get released into the bloodstream which in turn cause havoc throughout the entire body. […]